Keep It Classick

Hello everyone I’m Frankie or Frank. Thank You and welcome to my shop.  I started my business in hopes that I represented those of us that lived the life or continue to live it. I'm not ashamed of my past. It made me who I am but now I aim to live a positive life. I hope I am able to bring back those good memories we once had. If some aren't so good I'd like to believe we have learned from those experiences and are fortunate to still be standing here. We as Chicanos/as continue to face adversity but we keep our head held high and keep moving forward. Do your best to represent who you are as I will do the same. I welcome all to my business and if you happen to see me at an event near you or even out and about... please feel free to stop and say Hi. I hope you enjoy " The Classicks " . Thank You for your support! Have a great day and remember as always..       Keep It Classick!